home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Dice: dcc -l0 -mD dpk.o tags.o Files.c -o Files
- **
- ** Run this demo with the IceBreaker debug program and observe the output.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <misc/time.h>
- #include <system/debug.h>
- extern APTR FILBase;
- BYTE *ProgName = "Files";
- BYTE *ProgAuthor = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE *ProgDate = "March 1998";
- BYTE *ProgCopyright = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. Freely distributable.";
- BYTE *ProgShort = "File demo.";
- void main(void)
- {
- struct Directory *dir = NULL;
- struct FileName loc = { ID_FILENAME, "GMS:System/" };
- struct Directory *tdir;
- struct File *tfile;
- struct Time *date;
- BYTE *comment;
- if (dir = InitTags(NULL,
- DIRA_Source, &loc,
- TAGEND)) {
- if (Activate(dir) IS ERR_OK) {
- DPrintF("Demo:","Directory activated, now printing dir/file list.");
- /* SetFComment(dir,"Testing SetFComment() in GMS."); */
- tdir = dir->ChildDir;
- while (tdir) {
- if (date = GetFDate(tdir)) {
- DPrintF("Demo:","Dir: %s Date: %d/%d/%d", tdir->Source->Name, date->Day, date->Month, date->Year);
- }
- tdir = tdir->Next;
- }
- tfile = dir->ChildFile;
- while (tfile) {
- if (date = GetFDate(tfile)) {
- DPrintF("Demo:","File: %s Date: %d/%d/%d", ((struct FileName *)tfile->Source)->Name, date->Day, date->Month, date->Year);
- }
- if (comment = GetFComment(tfile)) {
- DPrintF("Demo:","Comment: %s Permission Flags: $%x", comment, GetFPermissions(tfile));
- }
- else {
- DPrintF("Demo:","Permission Flags: $%x", GetFPermissions(tfile));
- }
- tfile = tfile->Next;
- }
- }
- else EMsg("Sorry, could not successfully activate the directory.");
- }
- else EMsg("Could not initialise directory object.");
- Free(dir);
- }